Wednesday 6 July 2016

10 Important URL's that every Google user must know

In today's world whether or not a person owns a smartphone or a PC, he still googles his/her problem for a good and an accurate solution. Most of us still know Google just as the best search engine out there. But, most of us are not aware of the fact that Google also keeps a track of everything. It determines you interests and gives advertisements as per your cravings, it even keeps a list of every single word you've ever typed inside the search box, along with it Google also knows which places you have ever visited in your life since you have a smartphone.

So, in order to keep a track of all these things there are some very interesting and helpful URL's that every Google user should know.

The 10 Important Google URL's

Google keeps a record of everything that you've done using Google search or using those Google apps but these data are stored privately somewhere inside the Google Dashboard. These data can be accessed only by the user and no one else except Google itself. These records might reveal very interesting things about you, so you should have a check atleast once.

   Google stores a list of usernames and passwords that you have ever entered in your Google    Chrome or Android for logging into various websites and applications. They even have a        website where you can view all these passwords you have ever enteres in plain text.

   Google is so intelligent that it creates a profile of yourself based on the sites  you visit and      searches you perform, guessing your age, gender and interests and then it uses this data to    serve you more relevant ads. Use the above URL to know how Google sees you on the web.

   You can easily export all your data out of the Google servers for your offline use. You can        download your Google Photos, Google contacts, Gmail messages and even your YouTube        videos. Head over the the Takeout page to grab the download links.

   If you ever find your content appearing on another website, you can raise a DMCA                    complaint with Google against that site to get the content removed. Google has a simple          wizard to help you claim content and the tool can also be used to remove websites from          Google search results that are scraping your content.

   Your Android phone or the Google Maps app on your iPhone is silently reporting your            location and velocity (are you moving and if yes, how fast are you moving?) back to Google    servers. Isn't that amazing? You can find the entire location history on the Google Maps          website and can also have the option to export this data as KML files that can be viewed          inside Google Earth or even Google Drive.

    Create a new Google Account using your existing email address. The regular sign-up                 process uses your address as your Google account username but with this           special URL, you can use any other email address as your username.

7. (Google searches) (Voice searches) (YouTube searches and watched videos)

   Google and YouTube record every single search term that you’ve ever typed or spoken into    their search boxes. They keep a log of every Google ad that you have clicked on various            websites, every YouTube video you’ve watched and, if you are a Google Now user, you can      also see a log of all your audio search queries. 

   You need to login to your Gmail account at least once every 9 months else Google may            terminate your account according to their program policies. This can be an issue if you            have multiple Gmail accounts so as a workaround, you can setup your main Gmail account    as the trusted contact for your secondary accounts. Thus Google will keep sending you            reminders every few months to login to your other accounts.

   Worried that someone else is using your Google account or it could be hacked? Open the        activity report to see a log of every device that has recently connected into your Google            account. You’ll also get to know the I.P. Addresses and the approximate geographic                  location. Unfortunately, like facebook you can’t remotely log out of a Google session.

   Can’t locate your mobile phone? You can use the Google Device Manager to find your lost      phone provided it is switched on and connected to the Internet. You can ring the device,        see the location or even erase the phone content remotely. You can even find the IMEI            Number of the lost phone from your Google Account.

Hope you liked these unknown features of Google and enjoy using these great and interesting URL's.

The credit of the post goes to - Labnol

For any feedback or queries just leave a comment.

About The Author:

Vatsal Gupta, currently pursuing his B.Tech from Lovely Professional University(Punjab) is a C++ programmer and a part time blogger who loves spending most of the time on his beloved laptop. He is currently the owner of a rising Tech blog TricksnDeals . Along with a good hand on blogging, he enjoys playing and watching football.

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